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Do you have hour but you don't have time to lookafter, We are here to take the responsibility of your property.


We make advertise of your property in our listing for sell or rent. We have top ranking property listing website.


Since our foundation in 2005 our goal has been to use technology to create experiences with a deeper impact.

SHAHAR PVT. LTD. is a real “Real Estate Solution Company” and committed to cater Best of The Best in Real Estate industry to our clients.

Right from its inception in 2019, Expat was conceived as a company with a unified theme, quite like a symphony, a new theme that once crystallized would resonate a personal, service-based model never before experienced in Real Estate & Natural Products.

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Condos Infront of River

2305 Tree Lane Overlandpk, MO 66210
  • 7
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  • 1200 Sqft
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